We’d like to spread some news about a feature, that now allows you to protect Pageflows with a password. This might for instance be useful to present drafts within a team and keep B2B content exclusive.
To protect a story just click on “Publish” and “Protect with password”. Already published stories can be changed into protected ones as well. Shifting from “public” to “private” presentation works in both ways.
Please confirm a period of time for publishing
Quite tiny news, but mentionable: We’ve changed the page type “Before/After”: Now you’re able to entitle the visual comparisons of two pictures by yourself, for example “empty/full”, “current state/planning” last week/now.
Besides this, we’ve got some news for customers of “KRPano”. The new page type “360° Panorama”, enables you to embed 360° pictures built with KRPano. An example of how this fits into a Pageflow can be seen here in a story about a Bike race by Ergon.
For those of you, who haven’t heard about KRPano yet:
The software is easy to handle and can be tested for free. But: To actually use a full version of KRPano, a license (129 € or 89 € for resellers) must be purchased. A tutorial about how to use the tool can be found here.
If you have any questions or further suggestions, feel free to contact us at our support forum.